Tuesday 18 January 2011

The New Diplomacy

Richelieu ‘perceived diplomacy as an instrument of power to be used continuously, rather than occasionally as events required’ (Feilleux, 2008: 40)´.

Although, this module had not covered my interest on diplomatic jurisdiction, I had enjoyed and learnt so many new concepts and ideas that were absoultely new for me or that I had wrongly understood. For example I was completely unaware of the origins of diplomacy and when I had started preparing for my essay I realized that my understanding was muddled up with the historical context of diplomacy since Greece and so on, after further reading and research now I am very pleased to know that the real origin of diplomacy is other and could trace back to XV-XVI century in France and the culmination of the thirty years war in Europe, also is extremely important to underlined on the value of the French Cardenal-duque Richelieu writings performed in ‘Testament Politique’ that are of paramount importance on the development of the theory of diplomacy, as the main focus of his arguments on diplomacy as a method used by states to pursue its national interest: ´the interest of the state was primarily and eternal that it was above sentimental, ideological or doctrinal prejudices and affections (Nicolson, 1954: 51). In fact since Westphalia Treaty states are the only sovereignty among nations, consequently states use diplomacy to promote its foreign policy by loobing the domestic affairs of other countries.

Also I have learned the increasing value of the NGOs role in world politics as before I use to understimate it. The influence of NGOs in world politcs is challenging the modern international system, it does not matter if actually is in a low level the most important is that the first step was done and the public support is very influencial in its evolutionary process. I strongly agree that through cooperation and communication in the future NGOs will gain global influence in such a level that would open a new chapter in their involvemnt in world politics. Despite this is a long term perspective, its viability is base in the extensive involvement of the people.

Another topic that interested me was Public Diplomacy as an aspect of the New Diplomacy, and the polemic opinions among some authors regarding this theme. While for Berridge public diplomacy is merely a euphenism for propaganda, for other such as Nye public diplomacy is seen as the way to build up relationship. I absolutely agree with Berridge argument, as public diplomacy is so many times used to influence politics through the public, for example many countries use propaganda as a strategic way of communication to promote themes such as the prevention of spreading of communism in the Cold War period.

To conclude I have improved and gained much more knowledge in this module than I had expected when I started. Now my wrong ideas about diplomacy had gone, but my worry about the disadvantage of the influence of high politics over diplomacy in modern politics still relevant , as I understand that diplomacy allow states to act unilateraly in certain serious cases, such as international conflicts in which secrecy plays an important role: ´The idea that statecraft and international relations form some separated practice that can be removed from other forms of politics and government, with its own separate rules and philosophies, is unjustified in an age where everything is connected´(Ross 2009: 26)´.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Clau,
    Great Richelieu quote. I thought you might be interested in joining Public Diplomacy Corps' social network: http://pdcorps.ning.com, it is a virtual space for those involved in public diplomacy.
