Monday 10 January 2011

My understanding of diplomacy today

First of all, when I selected to study this module I did not know that the diplomacy is such a complex subject. It was very interesting for me to read about it and explore it in depth. During the semester my opinion about the role of diplomacy changed spectacularly in relation to the estimation which I had before to start my studies on diplomacy and scrutinize its functions. Furthermore, I ascertained that the diplomacy requires a combination of solid knowledge of various skills, high intelligence and excessive talent. It is incredibly necessary for me that during the unit I obtained as a result of the learning process, knowledge of politics, history, law, economics, theory of international relations and foreign policy. What is more, from my assignations with several ambassadors, I learned that the success in such an activity as diplomacy is impossible without the fine sense of human psychology, a rich life experience and impeccable tact behavior.

Secondly, this module modified my vision that aspire of the diplomacy is to portray a particular country in its best light and that the prerequisite to do so is to lie the other countries in some way. In contrast, I gain the acquaintance that it is erroneous to make an analogous between the diplomacy and dishonesty. Thus, the lie is an inadmissible means for the virtuous diplomacy. It is not doubtful that the moral qualities of diplomats are considered as the major criterion for their selection and employment. Consequently, it cannot be respected a country that appointed a representative who does not tell the truth and show his genuine nature.

Additionally, this unit not only developed my awareness of diplomacy in profundity but also facilitated me how to distinguish the perceptions of foreign policy and diplomacy. I classify this ability as a fundamental because at the very beginning of the module these two concepts were equivalent item for me. As a result of this, now I can clarify the role and the major functions of the diplomacy and foreign policy. Hence, the foreign policy defines the tasks and objectives of the state in its international relations and the diplomacy is an integral, organic part of this policy and a set of actions for its realization. Likewise, diplomacy is an activity through which the state carries out its foreign policy objectives. Since these goals provide maximum favorable external conditions for ensuring national security and peaceful development of the country, protecting its citizens and its interests in the international arena, development of mutually beneficial political, economic and cultural cooperation with other countries and their representatives, it is perfectly clear that this activity - diplomacy, is vital for the particular state to resolve the issues of the day with due seriousness and responsibility.
Last but not least, at the commencement of the module I found myself in a very awkward situation when I was taught by my tutor the so – called term ‘new’ diplomacy. For this reason, I started to ask myself why I never before heard about this new expression and what is it. When I started to read my books and prepare for the seminars I found out that the there is nothing new in the ‘new’ diplomacy. Thus, I learned that the ‘new’ diplomacy is built on the ‘old’ one, even though the situation in the in international system changed during the years. So, the majority of the functions and activities of the ‘old’ diplomacy are contemporarily relevant. In other words, this module developed in me the picture that the so – called ‘new’ diplomacy is based on the theoretical fundamentals of the ‘old’ diplomacy, despite the fact that the ‘new’ one is modified in many aspects. Moreover, the ‘new’ diplomacy obviously can be improved by revising the ideas of the ‘old’ one. So, at the end of this unit I am able to conclude that anything can be up to date, if it is from the roots of its old version.

On the whole, during this module I educated myself about the nature, evolution, meaning, the rules and trends of the diplomacy and diplomatic services. Also, I acquired worthwhile skills such as analyzing, assessing and justifying the accuracy of the diplomacy, especially in its historical and modern perspective.

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