Monday 29 November 2010

Internet - a new stage for new actors.

The most import aspects of the new diplomacy.

Generally speaking the term diplomacy means mainly placing state’s representatives in another state and maintaining good relations between them (Berridge and James 2003: 69-70). But is it the only case nowadays? International politics has become so important and widespread that sending professional diplomats to various embassies all over the world is not enough for any country which wants to play a significant role on the world stage.

As I see it the most groundbreaking moment in the new diplomacy was abundance of the Internet. Everyone can be online now and spread their views and opinions throughout the world. What is more it became the main source of information. It is quick and cheap as well. In fact anyone can be kind of a diplomat now but without years of difficult education and competitive path of career. If we take it into account there suddenly appear more players on a diplomatic stage. Hence traditional players - national governments started to use this platform of communication to influence international politics as well.

There are number of websites with the news updates 24 hours a day which means that quick and relevant reaction of state actors is essential. Moreover NGOs which are more and more heard and listened to by people use the Internet as their major way to aim their goals. There are numerous campaigns spread out with the Internet (for example Facebook). They establish forums which are used to discuss controversial issues. With the usage of Internet it is relatively easy to gather a lot of people who share the same point of view about certain issue and who are likely to do some action about it.

This creates a big pressure on politicians. Citizens can easily verify their words and influence actions. That’s why an answer to the question who actually is the diplomat nowadays is ambiguous. The border between professional policy makers, NGOs, media and the people is blurred. The fact that now you can actually write an e-mail to the foreign minister or MP or sign a petition to introduce a law on banning landmines with a couple of clicks - changed the face of diplomacy completely. Now everything needs to be clear and explained to the people. However a lot of people believe that the highest politics is still happening behind the closed doors. But didn’t uncle Google and aunt Wikipedia change it a lot during past years?

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