Thursday 28 October 2010

Western Hypocrisy and Diplomacy

This is a reply to Mam

On the debate about Human Rights there had always been a double standard practiced by the West and  the UN Human Rights Commission in league with Western powers namely the US and her vassal states------the UK, Australia,New Zealand, Israel,  apartheid South Africa, Central and South American countries, and the EU-----all have appalling human rights record from the Second World War to the Cold War years to the torture and murder of Steve Bikko, Sharpville, Soweto, imprisonment of Nelson Mandela for 30 years in Robbins Island to the Iraq's Abu Ghraib torture pictures, the Gaza massacre, and all these have been confirmed by the recent Wikileak revelation on 27 October 2010 exposed such atrocities to be standard practice so much so that our study of international relations can never be the same again .

Why blame China for all the Western economic failures and financial crisis ???During the 19th and 20th century when both Britain and the US had their economic power through exploitation of the Third World resources and were prepared to use gun boat diplomacy and warfare against the LDC people with little regard for their human rights ( see John Pilger, Caroline Elkins et al) and put nothing back into the third world development. But when China moves into these areas and offered to build schools,roads,railways,hospitals the West starts to point to the country's poor human rights record . But as far as China, Malaysia, Singapore,Vietnam are concerned western idea of human righs is not importat because the West don't believe in it themselves and is only using HR to beat and point an accusing finger on countries whom they don't like. What are the basic HRs which Asian countries considers most important are good clean water, a roof over your head, free schools to college level, good roads, productive farm practice  and cultivation to produce food, a free health and welfare system, look after the aged , could go on . Feedong and education the 1.4 billion Chinese is more important then the polemics of HR . And all these were invested on the Chinese people since 1960 under the communist regime and today the Asian peoples are harvesting  these rewards invested by their government with an average annual economic growth of 8% compared to the Western hemisphere of 0.3% . The govrnment policy is that you can get rich in China but the State decides and today China produced more $ billionaires a year  than the entire EU countries  combined according to Forbes 2010 riches people publication . So it is educational to compare what are the best priorities for the Third World ???  comments please........ToraToraTora

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